Tender, Succulent, Crackling Suckling Pig Quarter – Leg and Loin Min. 2kg+


Suckling Pig is absolutely delicious when slow roasted, producing a crisp, golden crackling and succulent, sweet and tender meat. We have been approached many times by customers who really would like to try some suckling pig but do not need or want a whole one. Our solution – to sell the piggies in quarters! So each suckling pig has been quartered and the result is a piece of  carrying enough covering to ensure a generous portion of crisp crackling and juicy, succulent pork. You can choose to have either Leg and Loin or Shoulder and Loin. The skin is not scored on the suckling pigs as it is very thin and is easy to cut when crisp. Perfect!

2 in stock


Cooking suggestion above for a delicious Suckling Pig!


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